• Question: is it ever boring!!

    • Keywords:
      • Royal Society of Chemistry: Find out more about:
      Asked by scunningham091 to Becky, Jo on 9 Mar 2015. This question was also asked by carson-legend.
      • Photo: Becky Gregory

        Becky Gregory answered on 9 Mar 2015:

        Haha! I probably shouldn’t answer this saying yes, but sometimes if you are waiting for an experiment to run and you can’t leave it and have to sit with it, it can get a bit boring.
        Most of the time though, my work is never boring!

      • Photo: Jo Sadler

        Jo Sadler answered on 9 Mar 2015:

        Ha! Occasionally it can be a little repetitive, but if I do find myself getting bored with it I just remember why I am doing it. I find that the overall motivation of what I am researching is enough to keep it interesting!
