• Question: Is it true that there is life on other planets? If so what are they and can they hurt us

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      • Royal Society of Chemistry: Find out more about:
      Asked by cc maraca to Alan, Becky, Jo, Sankar, Sarah on 6 Mar 2015.
      • Photo: Sarah Kirk

        Sarah Kirk answered on 6 Mar 2015:

        We don’t actually know if there is life on other planets or not. The reason a lot of scientists think there could be life out there is because the universe is so big and unexplored, and if life is possible on our planet, there is a chance it could happen somewhere else out there too with the right conditions.

        If there is life out there, I wouldn’t worry about them hurting us. There are lot of scary films about aliens but I don’t think it is possible. Humans are actually a very scary species if you think about it, we are capable of making weapons and bombs. I think that if other life found out about us they might run away scared!

      • Photo: Alan McCue

        Alan McCue answered on 7 Mar 2015:

        We don;t know for sure but given that the universe is unbelievably huge I would guess that there is other life out there somewhere. I imagine it is very very far from us though.

      • Photo: Becky Gregory

        Becky Gregory answered on 10 Mar 2015:

        It is possible that there is some sort of life on other planets. We would be silly not to think that with all the many planets in other universes out there in space, that we are the only planet with some sort of life on it. Most likely though, they are only small cellular species that have adapted to live in the conditions found on their planet. So I wouldn’t worry about any aliens trying to hurt us! However, we don’t know entirely what is out there!
