• Question: Is time travel possible

    • Keywords:
      • Royal Society of Chemistry: Find out more about:
      Asked by cc maraca to Alan, Becky, Jo, Sankar, Sarah on 6 Mar 2015.
      • Photo: Sarah Kirk

        Sarah Kirk answered on 6 Mar 2015:

        I’m not a physicist, but I love Dr Who and I used to think about time travel a lot! Time travel is possible in theory, but we can’t jump into a tardis and go whizzing back and forward through time, sadly. One way of travelling through time would be by a wormhole, which is basically a shortcut through space and time. However, it is not known if these even exist, and if they do, it would probably not be easy or safe to travel through them.

      • Photo: Alan McCue

        Alan McCue answered on 7 Mar 2015:

        In principle time travel is possible but know one knows how it would work! If you are interested in this subject then you should do some research into a famous scientist called Stephen Hawking. He has written some interesting books which discuss the topic of time – although you might find them difficult to understand unless you have taken some physics classes. 🙂
