• Question: Why do humans dream?

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      • Royal Society of Chemistry: Find out more about:
      Asked by Ale M to Jo, Alan, Becky, Sankar, Sarah on 7 Mar 2015. This question was also asked by cc maraca.
      • Photo: Alan McCue

        Alan McCue answered on 7 Mar 2015:

        I really have no idea about this topic. I always feel like my dreams are when my brain is trying to make sense of things that I have seen and done from the day before. That my impression of my dreams, although others may have a more sciency answer!

      • Photo: Becky Gregory

        Becky Gregory answered on 8 Mar 2015:

        Nobody knows the exact reason as to why we dream. Some believe that it is our brain processing the day’s events, sorting through memories, thoughts and emotions into those which need to be kept and those which do not. For example, your eyes noticing the colour of a stranger’s coat walking down the street is not important, so the brain will choose to forget it. Other events it chooses to move from our short term memories to our long term memories.
        So, if you want to revise for an important exam and make your brain retain what you have learned, make sure to get plenty of sleep!

      • Photo: Sarah Kirk

        Sarah Kirk answered on 13 Mar 2015:

        The brain is a mysterious thing – there is still so much we need to find out about it. As well as the reasons suggested above, some think it may just be a pointless side-effect of being asleep!
